Descargo de resposabilidad

This disclaimer is applicable to your full use of our website. Using our website
automatically results in fully accepting this disclaimer. We recommend not to use the
website if you disagree with the disclaimer in any part.

Privacy and Cookies
We use cookies on our website. We use cookies to gather information which can be both anonymously or with the purpose to identify you. By using our website you fully agree to our terms for privacy and cookies.

1 Copyright
Copyright © 2023 - EMM International BV.
EMM International BV owns all copyright and other intellectual property rights in this website, as well as all documents and materials available on this website. Data stored or processed while using the website is and remains your property. EMM receives an unlimited license for use of this data for providing the website, any additional and prospective services and to use this data for statistical purposes. EMM has the right to share these statistical data (anonymous data) with third parties. 


We cannot warrant the completeness and accuracy of the information shown on our website. We cannot guarantee that all information and materials are correct and up to date. Information on our website may not remain available. Therefore we accept no liability for any apparent writing and programming errors. EMM International BV reserves the right to change, move or delete any part of this website at any time without notice or explanation. You have no rights for any compensation if we decide to change information on our website or stop publishing the website as whole.

* EMM International BV has created the information with the utmost care. Nevertheless, EMM International BV cannot be held responsible for the correctness or completeness of the information provided by us or third parties. The provided information can be adjusted without further notification. Information subject to change and no liability for printing errors. All mentioned prices are excluded VAT. and mentioned in euros (€). EMM International BV publishes Recommended Retail Prices on its Colad and Hamach websites and catalogue for specific (EU) countries: The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal. We publish the Recommended Retail Prices just as an indication. The EMM Resellers within and outside the EU determine their own local prices, therefore end user prices can differ from country to country and from reseller to reseller. Website users can’t derive any rights whatsoever from the price information on EMM International BV websites.

2 Third party and user content
Our website offers content generated by third parties and/or users. You must not intentionally post harmful, violent or explicit content to our website through these services. We reserve the right to delete any harmful third party content or user generated content at all time. More information on this subject in our terms and conditions.

All user contributions in the form of comments, reviews or any other form will not be posted without checking the contents of it. We fully commit to block any harmful content. If you see any harmful or unlawful content on our website please contact us about it. If you see any harmful or unlawful content on our website please contact us about it.

This disclaimer may be revised at any point. The disclaimer published on our website at any moment is the currently applicable disclaimer. There are no rights to prior provisions for old disclaimers that are not published on our website (anymore). if any of the provisions in our disclaimer are determined to be unlawful by any legal competent authority this will have no influence on all other provisions in the disclaimer. If any provision is determined to be partially unlawful, only the unlawful and deleted part of that provision will be deleted. The rest of the provision will neither
be deleted or not applicable.

This disclaimer is constructed and shall be governed in accordance with the Dutch law. Any disputes resulting from or relating to this disclaimer shall be subject to jurisdiction of the courts of the Netherlands.

Pro Planet Proof
The word mark 'PRO PLANET PROOF' is used by EMM within its Colad and Hamach brands and has no relationship whatsoever with the quality label 'On the way to PlanetProof' registered by SMK.

3 Details EMM International BV
The owner of this website, all related materials & documents as well as the brands Colad and Hamach with all its associated materials & documents is: 

EMM International BV
Bohemenstraat 19,
8028 SB, Zwolle, The Netherlands
T. +31 (0)38 467 66 00
F. +31 (0)38 467 66 99

Registered at the Kamer van Koophandel under registration number 05047024.


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